Sunday, February 3, 2013

Meditation Cat and Yoga Dog #365yoga

My favorite meditation position is sitting in Ardha Padmasana (half lotus) with my hands in Dhyani Mudra. Dhyani Mudra represents an empty bowl, symbolic of a pure, free, empty mind, which the universe will fill with whatever is needed. I must need a cat, because, more often then not, as soon as I close my eyes my hands and lap are filled with a purring ball of fur. She might sleep and allow me to quiet my mind, or she may demand that I pet her 108 times. It's okay with her if I add an appropriate mantra, such as "this is me petting the cat" or "the cat is in charge."

My yoga mat is attractive to the other quadrupeds in my house, too. One dog in particular, a border collie named Morgan, can't resist the call of the yoga practice. She waits for me to settle into Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog) then flops on my mat between my hands and my feet, insuring I'll be holding down dog for a long time. Oh, and while I'm stuck there she'll lick my face, because there's nothing like Ujjayi breath through dog spit.

Later Morgan will snuggle into my side during a supine twist and probably stay through Savasana. Sometimes dog number two grabs the other side. I'll admit it's nice to have dog snuggles on cold mornings.

I wonder why my four-legged family members make themselves part of my practice. Do they sense my calm energy? Does the peace I radiate draw them to me? That's what I tell myself. But, honestly, I suspect they're making sure I don't practice through breakfast.

Do your pets join you on your mat?


  1. My cat used to always join me UNDERNEATH me in downward dog!

  2. My cat likes to latch onto my foot and dig in while I'm in relaxation pose. It's kinda counterproductive.

  3. I have no pets but this is amazing! Whether this is for breakfast or now, how lovely to have that connection time :)

  4. Cooper always shows up to show me the PROPER way to down dog, then up dog. Vincent, the cat, likes to sharpen his claws, then flop on the map. Kitty corpse pose? I agree - there is something so comforting having them all around.

  5. Mickey shows up the minute my mat goes down, and she takes whatever area I momentarily move away from. Keeps the mat nice and warm.

  6. Ahhhh...yes, yes they do...They have the best Adho Mukha Svanasana!!!


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