2010 was a year of growth. My energy expanded in many directions. Small ideas got bigger. I learned and explored new ways to express myself, to take care of myself, to live. Parts of me that had been buried in the transition year of 2009 were rediscovered. And suddenly here I am, poised on the cusp of another new year with all the pieces of the life I want scattered in front of me.
The past few weeks have been filled with reflection and planning. When I look at my dreams and goals like a to-do list, I think there isn't enough of me to go around. I can't possibly complete the list, and even accomplishing part of the things will require so much discipline and hard work that I'll be miserable. Dreams and goals shouldn't be burdens. There must be a better way.
This morning it all became clear with one word. Coalesce. Rather than spreading myself out, trying to reach for all those scattered pieces, it is time to gather them up, draw them in and recognize that they are all just part of the whole of my being. Instead of chopping my life into unrelated bits, I'll blend everything I love together. Yes, there are tasks that need to get done if I am going to achieve my goals, but they can be done with joy by a complete, fulfilled spirit.
So with "coalesce" as my 2011 mantra, I look ahead.
Yoga touches every part of my life, from my own practice to teaching to the philosophy I live by. The business of teaching yoga has become a bigger part of life thanks to some really wonderful students who fill my classes and spread the word better than any advertising agency could do. (You know who you are, and please know that I am extremely grateful.) In 2011 the business will be getting extra attention, so it can continue to grow and there will be yoga classes available for all who desire them. While my creative energy swirls, a more mundane goal is to draw on the bookkeeping skills I have stored away somewhere and improve my record-keeping. My tax accountant will thank me.
That creative energy is going to get quite a workout in 2011. I can't remember a time when I have felt so strongly the need to express myself. I use my creativity to teach yoga classes, but its time to get crazily creative, building on momentum started with last fall's drawing class and last month's knitting frenzy. (Yes, that's what I was doing instead of writing blog posts.) In 2011, I intend to say "my art" at least once. I'm challenging myself to be creative every day and I'm going to explore deeper with the Inside Out e-course in a few weeks.
Speaking of workouts and momentum, I planning a race schedule that includes the new Big George Triathlon, a half-ironman distance race, and the full Adirondack Marathon. In the spirit of coalescing, I am looking for creative ways to incorporate training into other parts of my life (Look out kids. We're going to be doing lots of swimming once the lake melts.) and intend to use all I learned about nutrition and training during 2010 to finish the race season strong and healthy. I will continue to draw on yoga to balance the cardio-focused workouts and improve my breathing and focus.
Don't think my family is getting left out of the mix. Family and home life have been high on 2011's priority list. I'm not a big fan of household chores (Is anyone?) but after living in this house for a year I am ready to make it our home. There are many redecorating projects on the list that will require input and effort from all of us. The kids, especially my son, need to get out into nature more often, so it is my goal to get them outside every day in 2011. As a family, we intend to live as eco-friendly as we can, so we've jumped on the One Small Change wagon, starting in January by replacing kitchen sponges with knitted dishrags and scrubbers. (I did mention the knitting frenzy. See how it all comes together?)
Once the creativity is flowing, it can leak into everything else, like my Parent-Teacher-Student Organization duties (we really need some help there) and my parental responsibilities for my son's Cub Scout Pack. I also took on the job of newsletter editor for our Lake Association and sent my first edition to print just before Christmas. Of course, I will never stop writing. Blog entries and lots of time with my journal are also in store for 2011.
On the to-do list it looks like too much. When all these things are viewed as just outlets for my spirit, ways of expressing the whole of my being, they suddenly seem doable. And I shall do them.
With a smile and gratitude I let 2010 fade away. In 2011, watch me coalesce.