Monday, February 28, 2011

Sacred Space

February was a set-up month.  I can't say there were any great accomplishments.  I did get my new and improved yoga studio website online, but most of the work had already been done.  I'm not saying I did nothing.  I was busy making space.

It came up over and over again during February:  make space in my life for the things I love.  Designate space in my home for creative pursuits.  Schedule time in my day for my yoga practice and triathlon training.  Reevaluate routines to limit the time spent on household chores without letting the house succumb to chaos and the laundry pile up.  Plan, rethink, replan.

The affirmations I wrote at the beginning of the year are hanging over my desk where they constantly remind me how important space is.  If there is no room in my life for the things I'm affirming the universe cannot bring them to me.  I cannot have a daily asana practice if I pack all my waking hours with everything but that or, worse, if the house is so messy that there is no room to lay down my mat.  I can't be strong and healthy if I never have time to eat, much less cook a nutritious meal.

When I create space, the universe brings me what I need.  The opening I make gets filled with a flow of energy and spirit, that same divine spirit that exists in everything, and that space is sacred.  The desk where I store and use my art and knitting supplies is my sacred space for creativity.  The expanse of floor I keep clear so I always have a place for my mat is a sacred space for my yoga practice.  Each block of time in my calendar that I designate for something I love to do becomes sacred space.

As a yoga teacher, having a sacred space to teach and share is a priority.  My hope for 2011 was to grow as a teacher and offer more to the yoga community in my little town.  While the space in the Community Church has worked well for the past two years, I have been finding the facilities and the schedule constrictions too limiting to make space for everything I feel I can offer.  When I was willing to open up to the possibility of teaching without the limits of four walls, my Unstuck ecourse was born.  And when I said I was ready to take the risk, space opened up in a building on Main Street that is just right for a yoga studio.

On April 1st, True North Yoga will be moving into that space.  Between now and then, it is my intention to make the space into a warm, calm, visually soothing, peaceful haven for the practice of yoga and meditation.  And into that sacred space the universe can bring what each of us needs.  There will be plenty of room for all of it.

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  1. that's amazing how it worked out!! Congrats!

  2. Congratulations! I hope you'll be sharing what the space looks like!

  3. The floors look pretty good in that picture! It will be fun to see the before and after contrast. It's all so win-win-wonderful.

  4. wow! this is so exciting! congratulations! This looks like the beginnings of a great yoga adventure for you!


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